Thursday 26 April 2012

Dave Stubbs his toe

Haaaaa Dave Stubbs of the Gazette blocked me on Twitter.

As we know, tolerance in Quebec is a growing problem LOL.

Among the foremost practitioners of intolerance are Liberal Anglos. Complicit in the demise of their own community. (Even 'collaborators'  in some cases. Remember a certain Anglo head of Office de la Langue Francaise?)

Free speech = them preaching *down* to the unwashed.

No wonder English Quebec has lost 800,000 people to TROC. Devastating and irreversible.

Note: you're only a sportswriter, don't get so carried away. You're this close to Milt Melchnick and Wilde Brian's megalomania. Pretending to be nice, even milquetoast, the next minute tarring all fans with an obscene epithet.

Calling fans "a**holes" betrays your Twitter fatigue. If you're not cut out for the harsh and sometimes crude stuff on the Internet you shouldn't be (t)here. Say hi to Chuck Angus ha ha.

(By the way I don't think it was any one thing that pushed Stubbsy over the edge but I did question whether he had exercised good judgement in joking about North Korea where over two million people have been starved to death by their cult of the personality-Maoist-Chinese supported dictatorship of over 60 years. Was that so awful?)

Why do these dim bulb sportswriters stray from sports so often? Melnick, McKenzie, Wilde, Stubbs, Boone,  most of them seem to find it too tempting to preachify and fall on the swords of their own ignorance and or biases. Stick to sports. Hickey and Fisher do a great job of that.

Ill Liberal.

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