Saturday, 30 January 2016

The Mitch Melnick problem at TSN

What is one to do about people like Mitch Melnick, he of socialist and cultural cliches masquerading as a sports radio guy on TSN 690 in Montreal?

His constant too-long musical interludes and left wing American Bernie Sanders style propaganda belie the fact that he is neither a sportsman nor a journalist.

His program is a narcissistic rec room party. "I hate that evil Stephen Harper." "Let's get that Republican governor of Michigan." What they hey? Canadiens are in their worst slump ever (at least since 1940 if you want to argue) and this loser is bullybeating jocks about...?

By the way truth lovers, the mayor and council of Flint MI are all Democrats. Melnick is 'virtue signaling' like all bleeding heart left wing liberals. Looking for a Democrat problem to blame on Republicans. What's his position on Ferguson? Baltimore? Chicago? All Democrat nightmares. Ever mention Obama? Iran? ISIS? Putin? China? Islam? Pinko blinders are amazing.

Is anyone at TSN HQ paying attention to this nonsense?

He reps his shows as some kind of "lifestyle" show when all it is the teary wheezings of a left-liberal high school student.

I felt the veritable Chris Matthews tingle when Knuckles Nilan lost his temper and pounded the table during a Habs Lunch show Friday. Best radio I have heard in many years. Knuckles is real. Passionate. Knows what he's talking about. He's still living it.

Menick is a penthouse socialist whiner.

What to do? Don't listen.

Are you listening TSN HQ?

#TSN #TSN690 #MitchMelnick

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