Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Montreal massacre opportunities missed

"The true tragedy of Marc Lepine aka Gamil Gharbi is that he was the first Islamic fundamentalist - inspired radical to launch a terrorist attack in North America -- over a decade before 9/11. And the Powers That Be of the day were totally unwilling to acknowledge or address this. Had the government chosen not to waste $2B on useless gun registration and unnecessary harassment of law-abiding gun-owning citizens and instead thrown the money at improving counterterrorism intelligence and at developing religious de-radicalization programs (as they are finally trying to do now), our world might be a better place.... Blown opportunities..."

John Hardy

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Iranian Opposition, Rights Experts Call for Syrian, Iranian Leaders to be Brought to Justice

Iranian Opposition, Rights Experts Call for Syrian, Iranian Leaders to be Brought to Justice: An exiled Iranian opposition group is launching a campaign to urge the international community to bring perpetrators of crimes against humanity in Iran and Syria to justice.

Friday, 18 November 2016

Trump U

"Trump University shows the depths that Trump went to to swindle hardworking people out of their money. The same playbook made him president."

Nathaniel Spuewell

Friday, 4 November 2016

The Sociopath by Ben Howe - a criticism

"Trump is a creation of the Clintons and the 12 million Democrats who voted for him. Claiming a bunch of racist hillbillies hijacked the GOP is nonsense."

Tony McLean on "The Sociopath" movie by Ben Howe

Thursday, 13 October 2016

American Psychos

I never ever in my life thought it would be possible for a totalitarian to come this close to being president.

By sending their 12 million flying monkeys to sabotage the Republican primaries the Democrats have almost destroyed America in their evil lust for power.

They are as bad as Trump.

Montreal mayor signs quiet deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran

Montreal mayor signs quiet deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran

Friday, 12 August 2016

Kanata Cruise XI July 12 2016

Hi Tony McLean,

Good news! After reviewing your dispute, SME has decided to release their copyright claim on your YouTube video.

Video title: "Kanata Cruise XI July 12 2016"

- The YouTube Team

Monday, 8 August 2016

Saturday, 23 July 2016

Donald Trump Is Crazy, and So Is the GOP for Embracing Him

Donald Trump Is Crazy, and So Is the GOP for Embracing Him: Cleveland
Yes, Donald Trump is crazy. And, yes, the Republican party owns his insanity.
Fewer than twelve hours after Republicans rallied in support of his nomination for the presidency, Trump once again implied that Rafael Cruz, Ted Cruz’s father, was involved in the JFK assassination. At a press availability during an event to thank campaign volunteers Friday morning, Trump revived suggestions that the elder Cruz was an associate of Lee Harvey Oswald, Kennedy's assassin, and that they two were together months before the assassination.
I don't know his father. I met him once. I think he's a lovely guy. I think he's a lovely guy. All I did was point out the fact that on the cover of the National Enquirer there was a picture of him and crazy Lee Harvey Oswald having breakfast. Now, Ted never denied that it was his father. Instead, he said Donald Trump—I had nothing to do with it. This was a magazine that, frankly, in many respects should be very respected.

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

The Invaders S02E26 Inquisition HD Rip (Eng. Ger & Jpn Subs) Full Episod...

Tales of Wells Fargo Season 2 Episode 2 : Two Cartridges

Adieu P.K.

There is a cancer in Montreal.

It was not traded to Nashville.

The cancer is the conservative boring defensive bureaucracy that is anti star, anti entertainment, anti fan.

The cancer is Serge Savard. The cancer is Michel Therrien. The cancer is Marc Bergevin. The cancer is owner Geoff Molson. And the cancer is so-called 'captain' Max Pacioretty.

They deemed PK a hot dog, selfish, bigger than the team and a threat to their cozy culture of losing.

2 cups in 37 years, the last in 1993.

They should have been traded.

Not PK.

They are a cancer.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Khamenei threatens to 'set fire' to nuclear deal

Khamenei threatens to 'set fire' to nuclear deal: TEHRAN- Ali Khamenei has warned candidates in the US presidential election against questioning the Islamic republic's nuclear deal with world powers, his official website reported on Tuesday. 'We do not violate the nuclear accord... candidates in the American presidential election are threatening ...

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Equality Party 3.0

Since the Facebook page was hijacked by extreme leftists I have reconstituted the EQP page here:


More to come.

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Groovy Jazz Organ [part 1]

50 years ago tonight! ❤

J.B. Lenoir - Down In Mississippi ( Full Album ) 1966

The Animals - The Animals (Full Album)

Them - The Angry Young Them (Full Album)

Rolling Stones - The Second Wave {Full Movie}

The Rolling Stones - The (Official) Brussels Affair '73 (improved sound ...

Rolling Stones - Smack And Blow Vol.1 (2015)

Rolling Stones - Smack And Blow Vol. 3 (2015)

Rolling Stones - Itchy Fingers [Studio Outtakes] FULL ALBUM

Rolling Stones - Necrophilia (Rare Unreleased 1972 Album)

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Cowardice and villainy in the media Pt. 9,711

"Habs Breakfast: PK Subban to blame?"

Yeah. Best player on the team to blame.

He and Gallagher the last two showing a lion heart - for the team. The guy who nightly fights his talent, suppresses his natural gift for "the system."

To blame.

I recognize sports "journalism" is not the gathering place of tall foreheads or even those with a modicum of honour but this is yet another low from TSN690.

Sports version of Radio Rwanda.

World Gone Wrong, Bob Dylan

Jimi Hendrix Experience 02-17-1968 Sgt. Pepper - Can You Please Crawl Ou...