Wednesday, 27 June 2012

"Robinson on the radar"

Gazette scribe Stubbs Toes reports 4 or 5 NHL teams after Larry C.

One of them is Canadiens.

All I can contribute is "will he want to work under Therrien?"

Doubt it.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

So it's Therrien

After the initial shock and disappointment it wasn't Crawford or Robinson or Carbonneau it's sinking in that Michel Therrien is Canadiens coach for at least the next 3 years.

Marc Bergevin and Serge Savard got their wish. Another Francophone coach. But as Enrico Ciccone Tweeted 'Montreal is a world class organisation, why limit yourself to local candidates?'

Why indeed. Quebec is stuck in the 1970's. Bill 101, Thomas Mulcair's support of radical separatists, Geoff Molson's kow-towing to the French press and separatists. The loss of 800,000 Anglos. The ongoing union-financed student violence.

But it's not all bad. Therrien is a decent guy and a good coach. He did an okay job here and in Pittsburgh and he'll be better this time. Anybody's better than Gainey, Gauthier and Martin. The young talent in the pipeline is exciting. Let's see a return to French Canadian firewagon hockey.

Michel we love you win or tie. Go Habs Go.

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Groundhog Day in Montreal

Guy Carbonneau played the best goalie and ended the pathetic charade of playing an unworthy golden boy.

Sports, even in Montreal, is not about politics or theatre or patronage. It's about winning.

Golden Boy was given the keys to the city and has never delivered.

He has maybe a year to justify five years plus of hype and zero results (hello 2010 Halak Miracle) then Bergevin, Mellanby et al will tire of the Groundhog Day stuff. You're on notice, Golden Boy.

Friday, 1 June 2012

Canadiens Coach

I said it wouldn't be the Hawkesbury Hothead and it won't be Therrien either.

Carbonneau or Crawford would make me happy.

But the sentimental favourite is Larry C. Robinson.

And I believe that's why the Canadiens are waiting. Three to six games to go.

Patience, grasshoppers.